Hourly Financial Planning | Kindness Financial Planning

One-Time Hourly Financial Planning

What is the Process?

We work together to do a comprehensive review and answer your questions at an hourly rate of $380 an hour, billable in 15 minute increments. 

Most comprehensive engagements range between $3,800 and $5,700, which includes a financial independence plan, tax analysis, investment analysis and recommendations, insurance review, and more. 

Once the one-time plan is delivered, you have a one-month follow up window to ask questions. After that point, the engagement ends.

The short window is intentional.

I want people who are committed to asking questions and implementing the recommendations they agree with to move their financial life forward.

I don’t offer engagements that address one or two questions that may only take a few hours. 

Below are examples of topics that may be included:

  • Review overall investment allocation
  • Review your investments and whether each investment is in the most tax-efficient accounts
  • Do Roth conversions scenario analysis to help optimize taxes over your lifetime
  • Charitable giving strategies, such as Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), giving stock, and Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)
  • Read your estate plan and go over it with you to identify areas that may need updating
  • Build a financial independence plan to determine the likelihood that you need to save more or adjust your spending in retirement
  • Provide long-term care insurance guidance
  • Discuss extra support services, such as eldercare consultants, home health aides, or therapists
  • Review home, auto, umbrella, and life insurance to identify any gaps in coverage

What is the Potential Value?

Wondering about the value of a financial planner? Please see the chart below to see the possible areas where I could add value to your life.

Click to download a PDF copy of the Potential Value of a Financial Planner. 

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