Retirement | Kindness Financial Planning

7 Factors to Choose the Best Retirement Location

7 Factors to Choose the Best Retirement Location

Once you are retired, you don’t necessarily need to live in the same place. You can consider different factors to choose the best retirement location for you — not needing to worry about your commute to work.  Where will you go?  Although there are many different factors to choose the best place to retire, below […]

Is It Different This Time?

Is It Different This TIme

“A nuclear bomb was detonated today for the first time in 200 years” screams the headlines.  The DOW Jones dropped 20%, hitting multiple circuit breakers where trading was temporarily halted.  People are panic-buying household goods, including toilet paper, water, and staples like rice and beans.  It’s inevitable that the war will drag on, stocks will […]

How to Create a Paycheck in Retirement: 5 Steps to Follow

How to Create a Paycheck in Retirement

Deciding how to create a paycheck in retirement is one of the key decisions people often bring up to me in a first meeting.  When you work for thirty or more years and are used to a regular paycheck, it can feel daunting not knowing where your next paycheck will come from. Most people will […]

How to Use Your HSA in Retirement

How to Use Your HSA in Retirement

Health savings accounts (HSAs) are not only a powerful planning tool to pay for qualified medical expenses, you can also use your HSA in retirement. HSAs are triple tax-advantaged. You get a tax deduction for contributions, pay no taxes on earnings, and can withdraw money tax-free for qualified medical expenses.  Whether you are early in […]

Should I Invest or Pay Off My Mortgage?

Should I Invest or Pay Off My Mortgage

One of the most common questions I receive as a financial planner is, “Should I invest or pay off my mortgage?”  The “right answer” depends on the person.  For some people, paying off the mortgage instead of investing makes more sense. For others, investing is a better option.  There are many factors to consider. Plus, […]

How to Emotionally Prepare for Retirement

How to Emotionally Prepare for Retirement

Have you started to emotionally prepare for retirement? If not, now may be the time. It’s not enough to only prepare financially.  I’ve met people who have prepared financially for retirement and found the beginning part of retirement a challenge because they didn’t prepare emotionally.  Retirement is one of the few events in life where […]

27 Retirement Planning Mistakes People Make That You May Regret

27 Retirement Planning Mistakes People Make That You May Regret

Retirement is an exciting milestone!  Many look forward to it, eager to experience weeks without work and time to do as they please. They’ve worked decades, and now, want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. You get one opportunity to retire well.  If you don’t, you may need to head back to work.  These […]